The art of Feng Shui to intensify good energy, charm and successful sales.

You have surely come across boutiques designed by well known architects, the decoration and lighting are all of good taste, but for some strange reason empty, and not successful.

And on the contrary boutiques that look simple, but inviting, that feel warm and comfortable.
So maybe there is energy or a force capable of attracting or repelling people?

Feng Shui is based on the concept that the world is made of energy. The world around us is made of all different energies, and humans are part of this world. The principal mission of Feng Shui is to study and correct the influences that these energies have on people.

Also there is a more psychological aspect (like a feeling of comfort or repulsion in a place, or the instinctive need to move an object).simple common sense finds a meaning in Feng Shui.

Many of us follow Feng Shui rules without realizing. For example, we all know that in a boutique there should not be a narrow passage way between shelves; your clients would feel uncomfortable. Aroma marketing as a sensorial marketing instrument, this is frequently used in Feng Shui as aromas and colors are in connection with humans vibration fields.

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